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Tax & Compliance 

The word "tax" might seem distant, but in reality, it is closely tied to our daily lives.


In Australia, all entities, including individuals, partnerships, companies, trusts, and superannuation funds with Tax File Numbers (TFNs), are required to lodge tax returns to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) each year. Each tax return varies based on the type of entity, its management style, and the nature of the business.


We provide you with a plan, structure, and tax reduction strategies tailored to the ever-changing tax environment in and outside of Australia. This ensures that you can maximize your benefits.


  • Maximising tax deductions

  • Taxation planning and tax saving strategies

  • Taxation for Contractors, Partnerships, Trusts and Superannuation Funds

  • Corporate taxation

  • Taxation on Cryptocurrencies 

  • Taxation on Entertainment Industry

  • Taxation on Property



Benefits ​

  1. Latest Tax Legislation: Stay informed about new tax laws introduced each year that can help you save. For instance, in 2024, the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO) was extended, providing up to $1,500 in tax relief for eligible individuals.

  2. Business Incentives: There are various business incentives to support your growth, such as the instant asset write-off scheme. This scheme, extended to 30 June 2024, allows businesses to immediately deduct the cost of assets up to $150,000. Additionally, the government has announced plans to increase this threshold to $200,000 from 1 July 2024.

  3. Investment Benefits: Maximize your investment returns with tax benefits on property investments, shares, and other assets. The Capital Gains Tax (CGT) discount allows individuals to reduce the tax on capital gains by 50% if the asset is held for more than 12 months. Additionally, new legislation expected in 2024 will introduce a 30% CGT discount for environmentally sustainable investments.

  4. Superannuation and Retirement Planning: Take advantage of the concessional (before-tax) and non-concessional (after-tax) contributions to your superannuation fund. As of the 2024 financial year, individuals can contribute up to $30,000 in concessional contributions and up to $120,000 in non-concessional contributions annually. Furthermore, the government is considering increasing the concessional cap to $35,000 from 2025 to encourage more retirement savings.​


We ensure that you receive the information and benefits most relevant to your needs, helping you reduce your tax burden and enjoy greater financial rewards. Contact us for a more detailed consultation and personalized tax-saving strategies.

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Accounting Corp.

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11 York Street

Sydney NSW 2000


Chartered Accountant
SMSF Specialist
Self Managed Super Fund
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